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R350, 000.00 awarded for whiplash

updated: 17-Jul-14

The South Gauteng High Court awarded our client with a settlement of R350, 000.00 in his claim against the Road Accident Fund. de Broglio Inc are very proud of our track record of successful settlements against the RAF. We always endeavour to provide our clients with the best service and results time and again. 

Gian de Klerk* was stationery at a red robot when suddenly another motor vehicle failed to brake in time and collided with the rear of his vehicle. This is a very common motor vehicle accident scenario in South Africa. We cannot know why the insured driver failed to stop but we do know one thing for sure, there was nothing Gian could do to avoid the accident. 

As a result of the accident, he suffered a whiplash injury to his neck and back with subsequent neuropsychological consequences. Before the accident, Gian had enjoyed a healthy life with no complaints. Now since the accident he endures frequent pains and aches and even mood changes. His life has changed substantially due to the injuries he sustained in the accident. 

Gian decided he wanted to claim from the RAF. He had heard that if you had been involved in a motor accident you should put in a claim. He wanted to be compensated for his suffering. He contacted the law firm he had heard were experts in this field, de Broglio Inc, for more advice.  

de Broglio Inc were pleased Gian had approached them and confirmed they would represent him against the RAF and handle his claim from beginning to end. This was great news to Gian. He felt satisfied that he had made the right choice in appointing de Broglio Inc. 

The law firm delivered on their promise to deliver the best service and results for their client, Gian.

The matter was brought to finality in the South Gauteng High Court when it was settled for the amount of R350, 000.00. A well-received outcome for Gian and his legal team. 

*Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case.  

Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case.